I did it! I did it! I did it!
I flipped my dog!
Before you imagine any dog-related acrobatics involving my dog Caesar, let me clarify: flipping dog is a yoga pose where you transition from downward dog into a back bend.
Now, I must confess, as a child, I struggled with back bends. The inability to see where I was going always held me back.
You see, I'm on a journey of recovering from being a control freak (no need for comments from the peanut gallery). I've had to learn to let go and trust the process.
So, back to flipping dogs. The first time my yoga teacher suggested it, I hesitated. I was afraid and I doubted my ability to gracefully land on my hand and foot.
The second time, I said to myself, "come on, girl, you got this”. Sometimes we have to be our own cheerleaders.
With a mix of nerves and excitement, I pushed myself backward. And guess what? That was my first successful back bend EVER!
Why does this matter? Because it's a reminder of why I emphasize self-care during our healing circle. We possess all we need to lead lives filled with blessings.
But to access these blessings, we must release fear, relinquish the need for control, and trust in both God and ourselves. It's about embracing our potential and walking away from the "could've, would've, should've" mentality that keeps us trapped in despair.
We were created to shine, to revel in the goodness God has bestowed upon us.
— Iya Sola Aje (Aneyshia Monay)